Keep Your Little Lights Alive: Poems After Kate Bush's Hounds of Love and Others by John-Francis Quiñonez


Keep Your Little Lights Alive: Poems After Kate Bush's Hounds of Love and Others by John-Francis Quiñonez


Preorder for October 3, 2022
Paperback | 100 pp.

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Keep Your Little Lights Alive explores the Folkloric Nature of how Music intertwines and Opens Windows into our Memory. Sometimes confessional, sometimes playful and fae-like in its elusively - these poems grapple with the pains and gifts of Queer discovery, Gender, Mental Health, and Family. Anchored in a series of Poems Responding Track-by-Track to Kate Bush's Hounds of Love (sometimes directly, sometimes based on what the song unlocks) the book, like the album, is split into two parts. The First - Narrative and free-flowing, The Second - imagines the speaker lost out at sea & astrally visiting and being visited by loved ones.